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Why Is This The Best Time To Invest In Your Dream Home

Image by The Team

The importance of owning your house has increased during this lockdown due to many different reasons. People have started investing in real estate as it gives a sense of security during the uncertain times. Many people especially the youth have realized the importance of owning a property and are now considering to invest in real estate in the time of pandemic. Here are the reasons why this is the best time to invest in real estate:


A Slump In Sales: Since 2017 the real estate industry has seen many highs and lows. However, the real estate market hit an all time low in this pandemic. The purchase of any property mainly depends on physical visits, inquiry and physical documentations. Hence, real estate agents have adopted the digital method which promotes many young investors to invest in real estate.

Unsold Inventory: Since 2018 the rate of unsold inventory has gone down significantly. But this lockdown will definitely lead to an increase in the rate of unsold inventory which would lure the potential investors, investing in a better property with better services and amenities at a reasonable rate.

Digital Tours And Marketing: Digital tours and virtual open house have been a big hit, apart from conventional digital marketing. It gives a competitive advantage by breaking the barriers of conventional house tours. Investors can use this option to view, compare or shortlist the property. Moreover, digital interaction will help in building a brand reputation, a brand connection amongst the investors.

Large Scale Consolidation: Due to a slump in the market and unsold inventory, there is a large scale consolidation in the market i.e. many small business owners come together to support each other in difficult times. Due to consolidation investors get a variety of options to invest in.If you are an investor and looking for a better investment opportunity, there’s no better time to invest. The opportunity is knocking on your door. And not to forget, your investment will contribute to the betterment of our economy.